Inclusive Weddings: Celebrating Diversity and Breaking Traditions

Weddings have long been associated with tradition, often following a set script that includes everything from the white dress to the bouquet toss. While these traditions have their place, modern couples are increasingly embracing a more inclusive and diverse approach to their special day.

Read on to explore the wonderful world of inclusive weddings, celebrating diversity, and breaking away from age-old customs.

10 ways to make a wedding more inclusive

  • Use gender-neutral language. Instead of referring to the bride and groom, use terms like "partners," "spouses," or "newlyweds." This is important for couples of all genders, as well as for couples who identify as non-binary.

  • Include all cultures and traditions. If you and your partner are from different cultures, consider incorporating elements from both of your backgrounds into your wedding. This could include the food, music, clothing, or even the ceremony itself.

  • Be mindful of accessibility. Make sure that your wedding venue is accessible to guests with disabilities. This may involve providing wheelchair ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms. You may also want to consider providing sign language interpreters or other accommodations for guests with sensory sensitivities.

  • Offer a variety of dietary options. Make sure that there is something for everyone to eat at your wedding reception. This includes providing vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. You may also want to consider offering a variety of ethnic cuisines.

  • Respect your guests' pronouns. When addressing your guests in invitations or other communications, be sure to use their preferred pronouns. You can ask guests to provide their pronouns when they RSVP, or you can include a line on your wedding website inviting them to do so.

  • Have a non-religious ceremony. If you and your partner are not religious, or if you come from different religions, you may want to have a non-religious ceremony. This will allow you to create a ceremony that is truly personal and meaningful to you.

  • Exchange vows that are written by you. Instead of using traditional vows, write your own vows that reflect your unique relationship. This is a great way to express your love and commitment to each other in a way that is truly personal.

  • Choose non-traditional wedding attire. You don't have to wear a white dress or a black suit on your wedding day. There are many beautiful and unique wedding attire options available for all genders.

  • Have a gender-neutral wedding party. You don't have to have separate bridesmaids and groomsmen. Instead, you can have a gender-neutral wedding party, or you can choose to have no wedding party at all.

  • Have a kid-friendly wedding. If you have children or if your guests have children, consider having a kid-friendly wedding. This could involve providing childcare, having activities for kids, or simply creating a welcoming environment for all ages.

    No matter what your choices are, the most important thing is to create a wedding that is a reflection of your unique relationship and that makes you and your partner happy. After all, your wedding day is about celebrating your love for each other, and it should be a day that you will cherish for the rest of your lives.

Tips for breaking free from traditional wedding expectations:

  • Don't feel like you have to follow a specific timeline. You don't have to get married in your early 20s, and you don't have to have children right away. Take your time and enjoy your relationship at your own pace.

  • Don't feel like you have to have a big wedding. Some couples prefer to have a small, intimate wedding with just their closest friends and family. Others prefer to have a large, lavish wedding. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is something that you and your partner can afford and that reflects your personal style.

  • Don't feel like you have to have a traditional wedding ceremony. You can have a ceremony anywhere you want, and you can incorporate any traditions that you like. You can even write your own ceremony vows.

  • Don't feel like you have to have a traditional wedding reception. You can have a reception anywhere you want, and you can serve any food and drinks that you like. You can even have a dance-free reception or a reception without alcohol.

    The most important thing is to have a wedding that is true to yourself and your partner. Don't be afraid to break free from traditional expectations and create a wedding that is uniquely yours.

Inclusive weddings are a beautiful celebration of love, diversity, and breaking away from outdated traditions. As couples today embrace their unique identities, cultures, and values, they are rewriting the wedding rulebook to create memorable and meaningful experiences for themselves and their loved ones. At Hyatt, we are proud to be part of this journey, offering our support and expertise to ensure that every couple's wedding day is a reflection of their love, their way. Whether you're planning a multicultural extravaganza, a gender-fluid celebration, or an intimate event, Hyatt is here to help you create the wedding of your dreams. Love is love, and it deserves to be celebrated in all its beautiful forms.